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Metaphysical Trackers of Knoxville uses electronic equipment such as modified digital camcorders with infrared lighting, digital voice recorders, 35mm cameras, digital cameras, EMF (electromagnetic field) detectors, spirit boxes, and infrared thermometers to detect paranormal entities.


Camcorders can track movement of entities as well as sound. They are the best device choice for capturing orbs, which are balls of energy that are believed to be spirits. The movement of orbs is crucial in determining whether the orb is an actual spirit, a bug, or a dust particle. Orbs can also appear from camera flashes and light fixture reflections.


Digital Voice Recorders capture EVP, or Electronic Voice Phenomena. The recorder is used to capture any voices that may be spoken by an entity at the time of the recording, but could not be heard. The voices are heard when the recorder is played back.


Cameras: Some investigators prefer using 35mm cameras to take photos of areas that may have paranormal activity. They prefer this type because "if it is not on the negative, it did not happen." Others prefer digital cameras because of their sensitivity, clear image, and immediate view of the photo. Because the megapixels on a digital camera are much greater than a 35mm camera using negative film, entities can be picked up easier and clearer. Our team utilizes both.


EMF detectors are used to detect electromagnetic fields. It is believed in the paranormal world that spirits use electromagnetic energy, thus where an entity is, the electromagnetic field would be greater than the surrounding area.


Spirit boxes are used as a communication device. These devices are modified radios that scan through stations. It is believed that entities can manipulate the sounds of the device to communicate words.


Infrared thermometers are used to detect temperature changes. Typically, in the space where an entity is believed to be there will be a significant temperature change.

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